Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.
The first 2008 Scholar to draw the attention of the Fourth Estate appears to be Payson High School’s own Mark McCarty, featured in this profile in the Payson Roundup.
Mark, who won a 3A state wrestling title this winter, looks like the closest thing the Scholars program has seen to a tug-of-war ringer at Lost Canyon since pre-raw-foods Scott McMahan (’96).
The article explains how Mark learned to do quadratic equations in his head, and how he rescued Abraham Lincoln from drowning in the winter of 1843. You get the idea… Rim Country’s going to miss the guy.
Niki Hale Price (’88 ) and Beryl Jones (’06), PHS alums, also get shout-outs in the Roundup story.
(For those itching for more breaking news… you’re out of luck: the Foundation doesn’t release its official list of Scholars in the Class of 2008 until May 19.)