The Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research (SSBTR) is a student-run organization that raises funds for brain tumor research. They have established a 1-year research fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. Adrienne C. Scheck at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, AZ. The fellowship is open to students who have graduated college in 2007 and plan to go on to graduate/medical school or pursue a career in biomedical research following the fellowship year. The stipend is $24,000 and benefits are included.
The successful applicant will have a bachelors degree (prior to beginning the fellowship in July of 2007) and a strong desire to do cutting-edge research on various aspects of brain tumor biology including molecular mechanisms of therapy resistance, novel therapy investigations and gene expression profiling to define molecular markers of diagnosis and prognosis. Biology majors preferred, and classes/laboratory experience in molecular biology is helpful but not required.
Please send a curriculum vitae (resume), list of relevant courses taken in college (transcript/grades not required), 1 page cover letter explaining why you would like this position, and a list of 3 references (including phone number) that are willing to provide you with a reference by phone.
Please send all materials (.pdf, MSWord or WordPerfect files are acceptable) to Dr. Adrienne C. Scheck. All application material is due to Dr. Scheck no later than June 8. Interviews will be conducted the following week and a decision will be made by approximately June 22.