Tempe educators to attend Biotech Teachers Leadership Program in Atlanta
This year, through a USDA grant, three teachers and three administrators from Tempe Union High School District are taking part in the 2009 Biotechnology Teachers Leadership Program, just prior to the BIO International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia:
Cecilia Johnson, TUHSD Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Birgit Musheno, Desert Vista High School
Steve Morgan, Corona del Sol
Cindy Olas, TUHSD Math & Science Curriculum Specialist
Crystal Roller, Desert Vista High School
Marylou Taylor, TUHSD Governing Board President
Arizona BioIndustry Association (AZBio) member companies recognize not only the importance of developing the future workforce for the bioscience industry, but also the value in enhancing an understanding of bioscience among all students, regardless of their career aspirations. The knowledge and contacts these teachers and administrators will bring back to Arizona will be an important addition to the state’s overall capabilities in biotechnology education.