Flagstaff Unified High School District ranks among the top one-third of school districts across the nation, according to the December 2002 issue of Expansion Management, a leading economic development magazine. EM‘s Education Quotient is one of the tools used by companies looking to open facilities in a location with a high-quality workforce.
The announcement comes hard on the heels of Walter Plosila’s presentation of the Arizona Bioscience Roadmap in Flagstaff, in which education was singled out as a vital ingredient for strengthening the biosciences in Arizona. Dr. Plosila is vice president of the Battelle Memorial Institute Technology Partnership Practice, the organization that compiled the Roadmap.
Greater Flagstaff Economic Council president Stephanie McKinney echoed the sentiment when she presented the “Blue Ribbon” certificate to the district’s governing board: “You give us a competitive edge, you’re making a big difference in helping GFEC create jobs in Coconino Country.”
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