[Source: Rachel Hamilton, Tucson Citizen] — A University of Arizona science program is offering high school students, college freshmen and grade-school teachers an opportunity for an intensive, two-week forensics course. “Forensics: The Science Detectives” is offered by the Arizona Research Laboratories, an interdisciplinary program run by UA research science departments, with the Tucson Police Crime Laboratory and the Forensics Science Center.
Participants will receive instruction from UA staffers, faculty, and local forensics experts. They will gain knowledge about leading technologies through tutoring from crime laboratory personnel. Training will focus on techniques in forensic biology and anthropology, firearm analysis, and latent print examinations. Forensic sciences such as medicine, psychiatry, and chemistry also will be introduced.
The course is weekdays from Wednesday through June 22 at UA. Click here to register and download the application. All applications are due by the first day of the program. The cost is $435. Only a few spots are left.