Arizona bioscience efforts have been highlighted in the Scotland-based Sunday Herald.
The article provides a brief overview of the past two years’ efforts to transform Arizona into a bioscience and biotechnology hub, including the establishment of two keystone organizations, International Genomics Consortium and the Translational Genomics Research Institute.
The article points out that, although Arizona is not viewed as a major player in the biosciences, startups in the state have been accompanied by kudos, high-paying jobs, and—in the case of defense-related work—government dollars.
“You go for different niches, so you’re not doing what everyone else is doing,” Walter Plosila of Battelle Memorial Institute told the Herald.
For more information:
“Praising Arizona: A victim of call-centre drift and outsourcing, Phoenix City is fighting back with a push to create a biotech hub,” Sunday Herald, 02/29/04