Individuals, companies earn praise as Arizona Governor’s Celebration of Innovation winners / Phoenix Business Journal (AZ Inno)
Dozens of winners were honored this week during the 2022 Governor’s Celebration of Innovation awards, which recognizes individuals and companies making major impacts in the state’s technology, science and education ecosystem. Read more: Here are the winners of Governor’s Celebration of Innovation
Parkinson’s Center joins landmark study / Arizona PBS
Phoenix’s Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at Barrow Neurological Institute is joining a landmark study led by the Michael J. Fox Foundation—and it’s using a simple scratch-and-sniff test that may help scientists better understand brain disease.
University of Arizona putting $152M toward cutting-edge medical research / Arizona Daily Star
The University of Arizona made a big stride toward its goal to spend $1 billion on research and development by 2025 with the $150 million state investment in the Center for Advanced Molecular and Immunological Therapies in Phoenix. The center, which will focus on immunology of cancers, autoimmune conditions, and infectious diseases, also received $2 million from the Steele Foundation.
Biotech in Tucson is thriving in the return-to-office phase / Inside Tucson Business
The University of Arizona’s innovation ecosystem encompasses a wide swath of facilities: the university’s Health Sciences academic medical center; the biomedical engineering program at its College of Engineering; the BIO5 Institute; Tech Launch Arizona, and Tech Parks Arizona.
‘Health Tomorrow’ segment: Brain Surgery / Arizona PBS
Dr. Nader Sanai, director of the Ivy Brain Tumor Center and director of neurosurgical oncology at Barrow Neurological Institute, explains more about the center and how it provides hope to those with aggressive brain cancer.
COVID-19 cases are on the rise. Here’s how to prepare for an expected surge / KJZZ
Joe Gerald with the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona speaks about what may lie ahead for COVID-19 cases, which increased by 7,360 in Arizona over the past week.
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November 10: 2022 Arizona Business and Health Summit
December 15: AZBio Trailblazer Awards and Legislator Appreciation Luncheon