Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute has discovered a new COVID-19 variant—with 15 of the 17 identified cases in Arizona—including the E484K mutation that may reduce the effectiveness of vaccines and antibody treatments. This finding is in addition to previously established variants being found in Arizona, including B.1.351 that originated in South Africa. Arizona’s weekly case rate remains among the best in the nation, but doctors and health researchers are urging caution as most restrictions have been lifted.
ASU watching new COVID-19 ‘Arizona variant’ with a mutation known to weaken vaccines / Arizona Republic
ASU discovers new Arizona coronavirus variant / KJZZ
‘Fourth wave’: As mask mandates are lifted, Arizona health researchers urge COVID-19 caution / Cronkite News
Doctors warn Ducey’s decision to lift COVID-19 restrictions could result in surge / Arizona Republic
Arizona reports 381 new COVID-19 cases, 10 new known deaths, as weekly case rate remains among best in country / Arizona Republic
ASU researcher says vaccine update could be answer to COVID variants /
First cases of South African COVID-19 variant detected in Arizona / KGUN
Valley doctor encouraged by COVID-19 vaccine impact on pregnant women / KTAR
TGen is testing cats and dogs in Arizona for COVID-19 / Cronkite News
Phoenix diagnostics company CND Life Sciences raises $2.4 million in seed funding / Phoenix Business Journal
CND Life Sciences, the Phoenix-based producer of the diagnostic test kit Syn-One that looks for abnormal proteins which can indicate the presence of neurodegenerative diseases, has raised $2.4 million in seed funding.
New Innovation Center opens at Phoenix Biomedical Campus / State Press
Arizona State University hosted a virtual grand opening for the new PBC Innovation Center building—a collaborative effort between Wexford Science + Technology, ASU, and the city of Phoenix—that will include research labs, entrepreneurial activity, and community spaces.
Arizona woman helps Native American girls pursue careers in STEM / 12 News
A Tucson woman and founder of Taking Up Space has created an outreach program that gives girls opportunities to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Arizona is home to GammaTile Therapy: Oncology’s latest innovation / AZ Big Media (Op-ed)
Matt Likens, CEO of GT Medical Technologies, writes about his company’s technology to treat brain tumors, the investments being made to conduct additional clinical studies, and the exploration of applications of GammaTile Therapy for tumors that occur outside the brain.
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