Venture Madness names finalists for 2021 Arizona pitch contest / Phoenix Business Journal
Venture Madness, the longest running pitch contest for entrepreneurs in Arizona, has named the 25 finalist companies—which includes several bioscience firms—that will present at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus in October.
Tempe expands wastewater COVID data program thanks to CDC grant / ABC 15
The city of Tempe’s wastewater epidemiology program, which is used to observe community health including the spread of COVID-19, received $1 million in funding from the Arizona Department of Health Services to continue its expansion. Read more: City of Tempe receives $1 million from AZDHS to expand its wastewater COVID-19 program
COVID diagnostic tests from Scottsdale manufacturer can now identify variants / Phoenix Business Journal
Scottsdale-based PathogenDx’s new test, DetectX-Rx, has been given emergency use authorization to detect variants of the COVID-19 virus as well as the flu.
Here’s what we know about breakthrough cases in Arizona / 12 News
Leading Arizona health experts from Translational Genomics Research Institute and Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute discuss the impact of the COVID-19 vaccines on new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.
Valley foundation offers grants for research teams generating medical innovations / Phoenix Business Journal
The Flinn Foundation’s Seed Grants to Promote Translational Research Program will provide $100,000 grants for up to 10 Arizona research teams focused on advancing new products or services to improve patient care.
TGen RNA study adds data, finds early signs of Parkinson’s disease / KJZZ
New research led by TGen in Phoenix and published in the journal Nature Aging describes early biological signs of Parkinson’s disease, knowledge which one day could help scientists improve early diagnosis and treatment.
As COVID-19 cases spike, Arizona hospitals struggle to hire more registered nurses / Arizona Republic
Arizona hospital leaders are conducting state, national and international searches as they try to bolster their registered nursing staff as they experience an uptick in COVID-19 patients.
Valleywise Health to require COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees / ABC 15
Valleywise Health has announced its more than 4,000 employees will be required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by Nov. 1. Read more: These Arizona hospitals, medical centers are requiring all employees to be vaccinated
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August 17: AZBio PEERS: HR Benefits Packages for Small Companies
September 9: 2021 Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Conference