Civic Leadership

Working together across the border

Few situations are as challenging for civic leaders as coordinating and collaborating across national borders. But there are many efforts, and some successes. The Arizona State University North American Center for Transborder Studies is partnering with the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars to draw attention to success stories. Together, the two […]

Meet the first class of the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy

Twenty-five future Arizona leaders, drawn from across the state and numerous professions, have been selected to participate in this spring’s inaugural class of the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy. The Academy is one of three core components of the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership. The 12-session seminar series, which emphasizes the skills and information needed to accomplish state-level goals, will begin Friday, […]

The Thomas R. Brown Foundations: Partner in the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership

Glance for a moment at the logo of the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership at the top of this page–Two colors weave in and out to form a vibrant sun-like image. Those interlocking colors are intended to evoke one of the Center’s primary characteristics: It prizes and depends on collaboration between leaders, organizations dedicated to […]

Meeting the challenges of the new Arizona

The latest annual report of the Flinn Foundation, featuring foundation highlights from 2009 and a 2010-11 outlook, is titled “The Big Picture.” The report features an essay by Flinn Foundation President and CEO Jack Jewett, reflecting on how Arizona can move forward in a new era of complex challenges on many fronts. Several of Jewett’s […]

What is civic leadership?

A March 2010 study by Battelle, commissioned by the Flinn Foundation’s board of directors, laid much of the groundwork for the Arizona Center of Civic Leadership. That study employed this definition of civic leadership: Civic leadership is reflected in the capacity of a community to: identify, analyze, collaborate, and solve pressing societal needs and issues […]

Longtime Arizona policy expert to lead leadership initiative

The Flinn Foundation has appointed Nancy Welch, a nationally recognized public-policy analyst, to lead an emerging program to strengthen civic leadership in Arizona. Welch will join the Flinn Foundation in mid-October as Vice President, Arizona Center for Civic Leadership. This is the working name of a new program under development by the Foundation and jointly […]
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